For the past few weeks I've been working hard to bring Ascension to life, which means launching a Kickstarter later in April, and along with this an Ascension Facebook page.
I initially created the page and invited everyone to promote the Kickstarter, but the more I thought about what this page - and eventually community - can represent the more as I realized how much it aligns with my purpose, which is to help remind us all that we are love.
And so, from Ascension the sculpture sprouted AscendToLove - the community. This is a community rooted in love, compassion, and empathy for the self. From self-love we can rise together to bring more love into the world at large.
This community is for everyone. If this mission resonates, I invite you to join the community and add your voice whenever you feel the desire. The more we share our experiences, the more we’ll realize how similar we all are, and the illusion that we are separate from one another will be lifted, one person at a time.
With love,