"We are here to love" - With a few of my burning man camp mates at the Temple in 2015.
A community based on self-love
Love is the underlying foundation of the future of humanity. It starts with self love, then how we love our environment and our partners, and from there how we love and raise our children, who are the future, and whose childhoods will play a large role in how they shape it as adults.
The type of love and partnership that Ascension symbolizes is something that everyone needs to see; needs to feel; needs to internalize. And so, from Ascension the sculpture sprouted AscendToLove - the community. This is a community rooted in love, compassion, and empathy for the self. From self-love we can rise together to bring more love into the world at large.
The AscendToLove community is for everyone. The more we share our experiences, the more we’ll realize how similar we all are, and the illusion that we are separate from one another will be lifted, one person at a time.
If the mission of AscendToLove resonates, subscribe to the community email list and connect with us on social media!